We’ve written before about crowdtesting and the damage you can do to your brand when you don’t test your app before its release. Skip over or breeze through the QA process and it’s all too easy to damage your reputation and leave users wondering what went wrong.

Luckily, there’s another side to this coin. While a poorly tested, unoptimized app can leave your users disappointed and ready to uninstall, an app that’s been thoroughly tested and optimized is a valuable asset for retaining users, often for years at a time.

The mobile app space is extremely crowded, with five, 10 or 100+ solutions to every problem a mobile user can think of. In crowded marketplaces, people gravitate towards two options:

  • The best deal
  • The highest quality product (usually for the long term)

With the right QA testing process, your app can fit perfectly into the second category.

One of the most effective ways to improve your app’s quality (and thus, its retention rate) is with crowdtesting. Crowdtesting is QA testing on a mass scale — a crowdsourced quality assurance process that offers a second set of eyes (or a second thousand sets of eyes) for QA purposes.

We’re big believers in crowdtesting. It’s more efficient than internal QA testing, more affordable and delivers a number of benefits that a traditional QA testing process simply can’t offer.

If you’re preparing to release a mobile app and want to retain users for as long as possible after you acquire them, crowdtesting could be your answer.

Below, we’ve listed three ways you can use crowdtesting to boost your app’s retention rate to keep users for longer, increase your CLV and generate more revenue from your app. If you’re struggling to decide on a QA testing process, read on — we’ll make your decision much easier.

A greater diversity of opinions means a better product with fewer flaws

It’s easy to gloss over bugs when you’re reviewing your own product. Crowdtesting gives you a second set of eyes to discover bugs that you might miss on your own, whether due to your own experience with your product or a lack of attention.

Just like Wired editor Jeff Howe, who coined the term “crowdsourcing” said: “The solution to a problem isn’t within the same room as you.”

Crowdtesting provides an incredible diversity of opinions. As more testers interact with your app, they’ll discover all of its issues and bugs, including those that only affect people in certain areas and on specific connections.

You get the insight of a large crowd of testers, as well as the statistical significance that comes from a large, diverse audience. All of this helps create a higher quality end product that retains users for the long term.

Crowdtesting delivers device diversity on a level that internal QA testing can’t match

Crowdtesting not only gives you diversity of opinions — it also gives you device diversity that’s impossible to achieve with in-house QA testing.

Our 35,000 QA testers use real devices to produce real results, giving you accurate data on how your mobile application performs on a huge variety of smartphones, tablets, PCs and other hardware.

Device-specific bugs can have a significant negative effect on your retention rate, particularly when they affect popular devices. Crowdtesting gives you the thorough, device-specific testing data you need to achieve a high retention rate on any device and platform.

Fast results let you fix bugs and improve your product before release

The faster you can fix a bug, the less damage it can do. When your users are subject to a bug in your software after its release, it only takes a day or two for it to start to have a permanent effect on user retention.

Using crowdtesting, in-depth QA tests can be carried out in minutes. Instead of waiting days for data on newly discovered bugs, you can find and fix problems that affect your app in just a few minutes, all while running tests 24 hours a day.

The result is a much faster response time and far less of a negative effect on retention. Instead of waiting for QA testing results to identify common bugs, you can act quickly and decisively to fix your app and reduce bug-related user churn in the process.

Carry out your first QA test with MyCrowd QA to start fixing bugs and improving your application’s retention rate today.