6 Things Dev Teams Want Product Managers To Do

6 Things Dev Teams Want Product Managers To Do

Product managers are an important bridge between two different parts of a company: the management side, which hopes to see growth and revenue; and the development side, which is focused entirely on building the product itself. Success means achieving the goals of one...
Why Your QA Team Needs a Bug Hunt

Why Your QA Team Needs a Bug Hunt

Bug hunting, or exploratory testing, certainly isn’t the most glamorous aspect of QA. As part of a bug hunt, testers explore and use your software in depth, just like real users, to discover stability and performance issues that might have escaped your existing QA...
What Do You Want to Test on MyCrowd?

What Do You Want to Test on MyCrowd?

With MyCrowd studio, we’ve made it even easier and more intuitive to test any type of site, content and apps your team will be releasing. Our bug reports are completed in a matter of hours and can be run 24 hours a day. Single Page Testing Squeeze pages, landing pages...
Why Crowdtesting is Critical for Upholding Your Brand

Why Crowdtesting is Critical for Upholding Your Brand

What do IBM, Lexus and Apple all have in common? From a product view, they seem worlds apart. But all of these companies share two common characteristics: a premium brand and a strong reputation, built around excellence. Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century,...